How Do You Know if You Have Gynecomastia or Just Fat

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Gynecomastia is a condition in which men develop enlarged glandular tissue in their breasts equally a result of a hormone imbalance.[1] While gynecomastia is harmless and usually goes away on its own, it tin can be uncomfortable, scary, or embarrassing. In some cases, it may be a symptom of a more than serious condition. Larn to recognize the symptoms of gynecomastia. If y'all think y'all might have gynecomastia, see your medico for a formal diagnosis. Take some time to understand the adventure factors for developing gynecomastia.

  1. 1

    Feel for soft lumps in your breasts. In true gynecomastia, glandular chest tissue develops in one or both breasts. This tissue may be located directly backside the nipple. Gently feel your breast with your fingertips. If you accept gynecomastia, you should feel a soft, rubbery lump in ane or both breasts.[2]

    • If you feel a lump in your breast, get to the doc immediately. A hard lump may be a tumor.
    • Gynecomastia may occur in just one chest or both breasts at in one case.
    • The size of the lump tin vary, and may not be the same in both breasts. Breast buds in puberty-anile boys are typically the size of a nickel or quarter.[3]
  2. ii

    Brand note of tenderness. Gynecomastia may crusade soreness, especially when you bear upon or press on your breast. If your breasts are causing you a lot of pain or discomfort, make an appointment to see your doctor right away.[4]


  3. 3

    Check for soft fatty tissue to detect out if yous accept pseudogynecomastia. True gynecomastia is unlike from breast enlargement caused by a buildup of fat in the chest. If your breasts are enlarged and soft to the touch, simply you do not experience tenderness or a lump in your chest or behind your nipple, yous may have pseudogynecomastia.[v] This condition usually goes away with weight loss.[six]

    • It is possible that beingness overweight can also contribute to the evolution of true gynecomastia, since fatty tissue tends to boost the body's product of estrogen.[7]


  1. 1

    Make an engagement for an exam. If y'all think you might have gynecomastia, see your doctor. While gynecomastia itself is non dangerous, you should have it checked out to make sure it is not a symptom of something more serious. See your doctor immediately if y'all have whatsoever other troublesome symptoms, such as:[8]

    • Pain and swelling in your breasts. These are common symptoms of gynecomastia, merely could also exist caused by a cyst or infection.[9]
    • Discharge from one or both nipples, which could be a sign of a condition such as chest cancer, an infection of the breast tissue, or an endocrine disorder.[10]
    • A hard lump in your chest, which may be a sign of breast cancer.
  2. 2

    Talk over your health history with your dr.. It will be easier for your doctor to diagnose your condition if they have thorough information about your overall health and medical history. Your dr. may inquire virtually:[11]

    • Any other symptoms you may be having.
    • Any history of related health problems in your family.
    • Any other medical problems you have had in the past.
    • What medications, drugs, dietary supplements, or body care products you might exist using.
  3. 3

    Become tests washed to diagnose gynecomastia and rule out other issues. Your doctor will practise a physical exam to determine if gynecomastia is probable. If they detect symptoms of gynecomastia, they may order farther tests to determine the cause of the condition and rule out more serious problems. These tests may include:[12]

    • A mammogram.
    • Blood tests.
    • CT scans, an MRI, or a chest X-ray.
    • A testicular ultrasound.
    • A biopsy of your chest tissue, if cancer is suspected.
  4. four

    Enquire your doc nigh handling options. In many cases, gynecomastia will go away on its own with time. Still, if your gynecomastia does not clear up on its ain, or if it is causing you a lot of pain or distress, your doctor may recommend ane of the following treatments:[xiii]

    • Hormone therapy to block the product of estrogen or heave the product of testosterone in your body.
    • Liposuction, to remove excess fat from the breast.
    • Mastectomy, a blazon of surgery in which the glandular tissue of the chest is removed.
    • Your doctor may also treat your gynecomastia past treating the underlying status that is causing it. For example, if your gynecomastia is a result of a tumor in the testes, the tumor may need to be surgically removed in society to manage the gynecomastia and other symptoms.[14]
    • Your md might as well recommend adjusting or stopping whatever medications you are taking that might cause gynecomastia.


  1. 1

    Await at your health history. Some men are at a higher hazard of developing gynecomastia than others. Consider your age, medical history, and overall health. You are more likely to develop gynecomastia if you:[15]

    • Are going through puberty or are between 50 and 69 years of age. Newborns can also develop gynecomastia. Baby gynecomastia usually resolves on its own before the child is a year old.[xvi]
    • Take a condition that affects your body'due south ability to produce testosterone, such as pituitary insufficiency or Klinefelter's syndrome.
    • Have a liver status, such as cirrhosis or liver failure.
    • Have a hyperactive thyroid gland.
    • Accept certain types of tumors, especially in the pituitary gland, adrenal gland, or testes.
  2. 2

    Note any medications you are taking. Certain types of prescription drugs can cause gynecomastia. You may exist at risk if you are using:[17]

    • Medications to care for an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer.
    • Anabolic steroids.
    • Some types of AIDS medications.
    • Tricyclic antidepressants.
    • Sure types of anti-anxiety medications, such as diazepam.
    • Some types of antibiotics.
    • Certain eye medications, such equally digoxin.
    • Gastric motility medications, like metoclopramide.
  3. 3

    Check for plant oils in your torso intendance products. Some plant oils, such equally lavender and tea tree oil, contain natural chemicals that mimic the estrogen hormone. These oils may crusade gynecomastia to develop in some men. Check the ingredient labels on your soaps, shampoos, torso lotions, aftershave, and other common products for plant oils.[18] Gynecomastia caused by plant oils should get away shortly after you lot stop using products containing these oils.[xix]

  4. 4

    Examine any drug use habits. Recreational drugs such equally alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines, heroin, or methadone may crusade gynecomastia in some men. If you use any of these drugs and are concerned about developing gynecomastia or other wellness issues, work with your doctor to decide the healthiest way to cutting back or stop using the drug(s) altogether.[20]


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Article Summary X

If y'all're noticing soft lumps and tenderness in your chest, you may have gynecomastia, which is a condition that men develop as a outcome of a hormonal imbalance. Yous should besides pay attention to any hurting when you bear on or press on your breasts, which may be a sign of gynecomastia. If you feel soft fatty tissue but no lumps, you may have pseudogynecomastia, which normally goes away if you lose weight. After you lot notice whatever of these symptoms, brand an appointment with your doctor for an exam and so you can get a diagnosis. Following the exam, your md may ask y'all questions near your medical history to help them accomplish a diagnosis. For tips on how to treat gynecomastia, read on!

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